, pub-4867973507279384, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Dozens demonstrate in Morocco against racism after Senegalese immigrant is killed

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Dozens demonstrate in Morocco against racism after Senegalese immigrant is killed

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By: Bajram Hysa                                                                                Facebook       Twitter        Google+

Dozens of activists demonstrate against racism in front of Morocco's parliament in Rabat, Morocco Thursday, Sept 11, 2014. The murder of a Senegalese citizen in Tangiers on Aug. 30 by an angry mob has shocked Moroccans even as the state is attempting to implement more human immigration policies

Dozens of activists have demonstrated in Morocco's capital in a rare protest against racism following the murder earlier of a Senegalese migrant.
Thursday's protest comes just one year after Morocco announced a new more humane policy designed to deal with the flood of sub-Saharan Africans seeking a new life in Europe.
Charles Ndour was fatally stabbed on Aug. 30 by a mob in Tangiers. Police later arrested and deported more than 20 immigrants protesting his killing.
Lucile Daumas of Atac Maroc, one of the groups organizing the demonstration, said Ndour was the sixth immigrant killed in the last year, amid many such attacks.
"The migrants in Morocco are in real danger," she said.

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