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Singer's mom entering rehab for 'post-traumatic stress'

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Ke$ha announced last week that she was entering a treatment facility for an eating disorder and now she’ll have some company. The singer’s mother revealed to People that she is joining her daughter in the same Chicago-area rehab center.

“I’m checking myself into Timberline Knolls today for post-traumatic stress disorder, at Ke$ha’s urging, “ Pebe Sebert, 57, told the magazine.

Earlier Sebert had publicly criticized Ke$ha’s producer, Dr. Luke and had accused him of calling her 26-year-old daughter a “refrigerator,” and pressuring her to lose weight. He has vehemently denied the accusations.
“This whole Dr. Luke think has almost torn our family apart and taken over my life,” she lamented, “and Ke$ha wants me to heal along with her.”

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