Obama's poll numbers are amazing!
Have you seen Obama’s poll numbers? They are among the lowest in history. As of today, Obama’s approval rating is at 38%. That’s just barely above Richard Nixon.
Keep in mind Obama has the support of about 35% to 40% of the American population that will NEVER abandon him, no matter what he does, no matter how bad the jobs numbers look, no matter how low the economy goes, no matter how much scandal and corruption is exposed, no matter how strong the facts are against him.
Nothing will ever change their minds. These are the “low information voters” of the Democratic Party.
So just think about that for a moment. Let those numbers sink in. If 35% to 40% of the population would support a Democrat for president if he ran from a prison cell … if 35% to 40% would support Obama no matter what he does, no matter how far America sinks under his leadership, how could Obama’s approval rating be at only 38%?
That means that among the rest of America, outside of loyal, lifelong, Kool-Aid drinking Democrats, Obama's ratings are nil. Among non-partisan voters, he is the lowest-rated president in history. No numbers like this have ever been recorded, if you filter out the crazies.
Obama's approval among “the Heartland of America” (non-partisan middle class Americans) is lower than Nixon.
Lower than George W. Bush.
Lower than Lyndon Johnson at the height of the Vietnam war.
Lower than Jimmy Carter at the height of the Iranian hostage crisis, with the added burden of an economy in misery and malaise.
I’m betting that outside of lifelong Democrats, Obama's ratings are in the unimaginable range of single digits.
Among the white middle class, I’m betting Obama’s ratings are in the single digits. Or lower.
Keep in mind many of the white middle class originally voted for Obama.
Among those that actually own small businesses, pay most of the taxes and create most of the jobs, I'm betting Obama's ratings are in the vicinity of ZERO.
Actually if you take the white middle class and subtract out a few Ivy League intellectuals, Hollywood liberals, and pathetic Upper West Side Democratic zombies, there isn’t an Obama supporter left in America.
Remember that about 47% of Americans get entitlement checks from government. Obama is PAYING for their support and he still only has 38% approval. You know you're unpopular when even bribes don't work anymore!
This man has managed to pull off something remarkable and historical -- he has alienated almost every single American who actually works for a living and pays taxes.
He has virtually zero support among the 53% who aren't getting a check from government. You can't find another instance of that in the history of American politics.
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